Susi’s Jewellery Workshop

A burl wood high up on the Kramergrad, kissed by the sun and formed by wind and weather, finds its way into an idyllically situated garden house that is Susi Dahlmeier's jewellery workshop and refuge, which is completely out of the ordinary. Where there are no "do-not-touch" display cases, a wide range of "touch me" collections surprise and orderly disarray prevails. In the midst of it all, a goldsmith, who keeps a pleasantly low profile and overflows with ideas.

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All of this flows into her jewellery, transforming natural materials into wearable, unique pieces. Thus, the burl wood finds a suitable stone, is joined to silver and fixed with leather ties. What is special about it is not just the combination, but also the knowledge behind each creation. Because the qualified stone therapist knows the meanings of stones. "Each stone is good for something and reveals something to you". However, if you are thinking of crystal balls and the quest for esoteric transformation, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Because Susi has both feet firmly on the ground. Connected to nature from childhood, having immersed herself in professional sport and then found her comfort zone as a self-employed craftswoman: "Being open to everyone who walks through the door and creating the right piece together - that is the best bit. That is the work I enjoy most. Every person is different, therefore every piece is a little bit different too."

Thus, the customer become the inspiration. And pieces of jewellery become storytellers. Just like old family treasures, which often fall into her hands and begin a new chapter there. She only draws the line at Grandma's gold tooth. This should remain in the casket to make way for other projects that are close to her heart. Whether new or old, pure or combined - Susi creates jewellery with her own signature and special flair. In order that this can unfold to best effect, the principle of minimalism rules in the workshop area: "What I have in the workshop is relatively modest. But it's good enough for me. I am rather a purist." The simple work table and antique press machine fit in harmoniously and provide the space required:

To welcome everyone who comes through the door. Away from the hustle and bustle of shopping, a chance to seek individual advice and allow things to run their course. With the requisite quiet and the invitation to browse at leisure through baptismal pendants, wedding gifts, earrings and individual chains. One thing is sure: At Susi's, you can leave without finding anything and still take something with you when you go. Because you will always leave feeling good and wanting to come back. That is worthwhile, because "here, you don't see everything the first time". Well then. 

There is a lot to discover!

06 Susis Schmuckwerkstatt


Susi Dahlmeier
Karwendelstraße 1
82494 Krün
Tel: +49 8825 9215344

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